Detox Chai Tea

detox chai tea

Chai is a type of tea (usually black tea), made especially by boiling the tea leaves with milk, sugar, and cardamom and other spices.

This concoction combines the warming flavors of the chai spices with the bitter properties of the Dandelion root* to create a tasty and effective Detox Chai Tea.

The bitter properties of the dandelion assist the liver with detoxification as well as stimulate the digestive system. Warming spices used in the chai have medicinal properties, are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory in nature, stimulate the digestion and relieve the digestive bloat.

This is not an exact recipe, if you don’t have a particular spice, create your own combination…Try it !


4 cups water

1 tablespoon Dandelion Root OR  4 Dandelion root tea bags (can use a blend of dandelion and nettle too )

1 cinnamon stick

4 cardamoms

6-8 leaves of Holy Basil (Tulsi)

6-8 whole cloves

6-8 whole peppercorns

½ -1 inch ginger, gently pounded

Raw honey optional

Place all the all ingredients in a pan with the water, cover it with the lid. Bring it to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the tea thought a mesh trainer and enjoy.

I often leave the tea in the pan, heat it, strain it and drink it as required.  Leaving it for a long time makes the flavors more intense, if that is not something you like, stain the tea and store in the glass quart jar.

Sweeten with raw honey of required.

Dandelion root tea and dandelion greens are known for their bitter quality.  The “bitter taste” in Ayurveda helps to break up congestion in the liver, decrease water retention, improve digestion (bitter stimulate bile production), and reduce cravings.  It is good to include the bitter taste in your diet on a daily basis.  This includes eating plenty of green leafy vegetables, like dandelion greens, as well as bitter root teas like dandelion root.

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