Why should we detox?

Detoxification is one of the body’s most innate functions to keep it healthy – it is as basic for us as breathing. In order to protect us from harmful substances that find their way in, our bodies naturally detox every day, eliminating wastes through the kidneys, colon, liver, lungs, lymph, and the skin.

Detoxification brings the body back into homeostasis.

Wikipedia defines homeostasis as “a process that maintains the stability of the human body’s internal environment in response to changes in external conditions.” Ideally, we would live in a pollution-free world, but this is unfortunately not our reality today. Despite our best efforts to eat organic or fresh food, for optimal health we must support our organs to cleanse our body each season.

According to the Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, “A detox clears out toxins and debris in your body that may be stopping you from having vitality.”

A build-up of toxins puts a burden on your cells, which leads to an unhealthy body. In order to bring the body back into balance, or homeostasis, we must detox regularly to eliminate wastes. It is pretty simple: disease is not found in healthy tissues.

Do you need to Detox? read more…

The body can carry up to 15 pounds of toxic waste – otherwise known as mucous. Mucous is your body’s way of protecting itself from harmful substances, but it is full of waste. The right detox program will strengthen digestion and decrease inflammation, thereby reducing mucous in the body.


  1. Remove acid waste that leads to inflammation, congestion, and poor digestion.
  2. Support the immune system by unclogging the digestive system, therefore creating a less acidic state and favoring a more base/alkaline state.
  3. Reduce the toxic load so you can digest, assimilate, absorb, utilize, and eliminate properly.
  4. Remove toxins from the cells so they can regenerate and repair

Check out the Detox Protocol I follow to help me cleanse, rejuvenate and rebuild on a cellular level, both physically and emotionally.

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